The UK’s first event where people act and come dressed as who they want to be in the future is to be held in Peterborough on Saturday 25th February 2023.
The unique ‘Act As If’ event is based on a proven psychological technique that has shown that when individuals fully embrace who they want to be in the future and act as if they are that person now, they are much more likely to become it.
Billed as a ‘Unique Celebration of Your Future Self’, the event is to be held in the Great Hall at Orton Hall Hotel and is being organised by Peterborough-based business Intus Transformational Events.
Announcing the event, Intus co-founder Paul Kilby, who also runs sales training business Red Promotions, said: “This event is based on a principle that is promoted by some of the world’s leading motivational speakers, coaches, and authors including Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield.

“However, an event of this kind has never been held in the UK before for anyone to attend, so we are excited to be doing it for the first time in Peterborough.
“Guests come dressed as who they want to be in 2025, act as that person all evening, and talk about their achievements as if they have already happened. This powerfully embeds positive feelings and a vision of their future self in their mind, which has been proven to help them actually become who they want to be.”
Fellow co-founder Arup Biswas, who also runs marketing and content service Absolutely Write, added: “This event is for anyone who has ever dreamed about changing their life and achieving goals but has struggled with motivation or with self-belief.
“It will give those attending an incredible sense of confidence and focus that will enable them to become whoever they want to be, from a bestselling author to a successful businessperson or to just a much more happier and positive person.”

Acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already achieved your goals has been proven to have dynamic effects including:
• You powerfully activate the Law of Attraction – a principle that states that you attract what you focus on (which gained international exposure and acclaim thanks to the 2006 book and film ‘The Secret’).
• You greatly increase your self-belief and sense that you will achieve your goals.
• You will associate achieving your goals with having fun – which is important to boost your sense of positivity.
• Your brain subconsciously starts looking for opportunities to help you achieve your goals and become who you want to be.
At the ‘Act As If’ event in Peterborough, participants will join 100 other positive, goal-focused people, all speaking in the present tense about who they are and what they have achieved.
And it will be a fully immersive experience, with a red carpet entrance, cocktails and canapes, and even a photographer taking pictures, so guests truly feel they are being celebrated and congratulated on having become who they want to be.
Guests will also be supplied with a pre-event information pack and a personalised next steps guide after the event so they can fully capitalise on the experience. They will also be eligible to join private Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn groups, where they can connect with and support fellow attendees.
Book your tickets now at It’s just £95 for early bird sales before 31st January 2023, and £125 afterwards.