Cara Wittish (May Winner)

Nene Park monthly photography competitions return for 2023!

Nene Park Trust is delighted to announce their ever-popular monthly photography competitions will continue throughout 2023, giving Park visitors the opportunity to share their photography talents.

Visitors are invited to enter photographs taken anywhere on the Nene Park estate – Ferry Meadows, Orton Mere, Woodston Reach, Thorpe Meadows or the Rural Estate, and can feature scenic views, our recognisable landmarks, seasonal nature or the wonderful wildlife that makes its home in the Park. 

New for 2023! Each month, the judges at Nene Park will choose their top three entries and put them forward for a public vote on social media to choose the winner, adding an extra element of excitement to the competitions. 

Each winner will receive a £20 voucher to spend in the Park and enjoy the accolade of their photograph being shared on the Nene Park social media pages, displayed in our annual winter photography exhibition and featured in the 2024 Nene Park fundraising calendar. 

The January competition is open now, so what are you waiting for? Dust off your cameras, fire up your smart phones and get snapping in the Park, then email your photos to marketing.NPT@neneparktrust.org.uk. We look forward to seeing your entries!

Photography Competition Terms & Conditions

• By submitting photographs, entrants agree to their images being used on the Nene Park website, social media and print material in the future. 
• When submitting an entry, please include your name, the date the photograph was taken and the location of the photograph.
• Entrants are welcome to submit up to five photos per month.
• Landscape format images are preferred and full sized, high quality images are required. Please ensure the image file is attached to the email not embedded. 
• To ensure the seasonality of the winning photographs correspond with the months in the calendar, photographs submitted ideally should have been taken within the month of the competition being entered. 
• The entry submission window runs from the first day of the month until the last day of the month.

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