Is Your Business Being Seen in Peterborough?

Is Your Business Being Seen?

Peterborough Business Directory fully supports the Shop Local ethos with a strong connection with independent and growing businesses like yours. 

121 Pop-In Sessions

We have launched monthly pop-in sessions where you can pre-book a free 15-minute slot* to discuss your online digital presence.

* An online appointment via Zoom or Teams can be booked if preferred.

The second series of appointments are at Brightfield Business Hub (in The Courtyard Cafe). Appointments can be booked between 9:30am-1:30pm on Tuesday 27th February 2024.

Book your appointment here – Brightfield Business Hub

Free Online Digital Brand Report

How is your business and brand performing online? How do you know what to do to improve your online presence and brand online? We have got the tool for you!


What to expect:

      • Ask us any questions you like! About your Online Presence, Content, Social Media, Email Marketing or Google

      • Tell us your website address and we will send you a FREE Online Digital Brand Report 

    Example questions you can ask us:

        • Where should I focus my marketing activities?

        • How can I be better than my competition?

        • Why can’t people find my product or service online?

        • How can I get more enquiries, leads and sales?

      What is an Online Digital Brand Report?

      Your Online Digital Brand Report will help you gain a better understanding of how your business is performing online.

      We will give insights, results and recommendations on your:

          1. Website (SEO, Performance, Accessibility)

          1. Social Presence (Social Media)

          1. Content (Blogs, News, Articles, PR)

          1. Google My Business & Bing (Blogs, News, Articles, PR)

          1. Traffic (Inbound, Outbound)

        Our free report is designed to help you navigate, understand and action the complicated online digital world when it comes to helping people find and engage with your business online. For your free Online Digital Brand Report please email us at hello@peterboroughbusinessdirectory.co.uk

        You are free to take this valuable information and make the changes yourself. However, our digital marketing and print services will help strengthen your brand and improve your online presence. If you need support, we are one call or click away!

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