Peterborough Celebrates Text banner

Dear Peterborough, Your Favourite Festival is Back!

Hosted by Nene Park Trust, the weekend promises to be another fabulous celebration of our city and all the reasons we love it – our culture, our music, our diversity and our talented communities – bringing the city together in a love letter to Peterborough.

The festival weekend will be filled with a wide range of performances and experiences for all the family. From music and theatre, food and drink, dance and culture, arts and crafts, poetry and literature, health and wellbeing and sports and activities, there will be a packed, eclectic, and diverse schedule of entertainment across the weekend. The detail of the programme is currently being developed but will be shared soon on the festival website

many people enjoying activities at a festival in Ferry Meadows Peterborough

The festival weekend is free-to-attend, but there are some exciting ticketed cinema showings planned in the Big Top on the Thursday and Friday evenings leading up to the festival weekend. Details of these will be announced soon.

A community art project will be installed at the heart of the festival site this year with a number of different schools and community groups already involved in decorating love heart bunting in the run up to the festival. If you too would like to get involved, please contact to find out more. There are also two drop in public heart decorating workshops at Ferry Meadows on Thursday 4th and Friday 12th April 11am-3pm so come along and join in!

“The best thing about Peterborough Celebrates is that it brings communities from across the city together to share things they love with others – performances, food, music. In return we share things we love from the city and further afield – circus, walkabout puppets, theatre and dance. This makes for a weekend filled with joy and happiness, especially when the sun shines! Peterborough is a special place, filled with talent and community spirit and it’s important that we celebrate that.”

Steph Peachey, Head of Visitor Engagement at Nene Park Trust

The festival is being organised and hosted by Nene Park Trust alongside involvement and support from local communities and organisations. If you would like to get involved, through sponsoring or volunteering at the event, the festival team at Nene Park Trust would love to hear from you. For more information about the festival, please visit

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